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Kind Words & Thank You`s




Jodi - We LOVE them! We love YOU! I'm blown away.


 I can't tell you how happy we are with the pictures. You are absolutely amazing! I would have written back yesterday, but I have been too busy drooling over the pictures (and I wanted to sit down and write a proper thank you). Everyone we have shared them with is also super impressed. My sister actually called to tell me that I should have put a "do not view in public" warning because she was so touched by the pictures, she ended up leaving the school library in tears! 
I can't thank you enough for what you have done for us. You were such a pleasure to work with, laughing with us, sympathizing with us, helping us with nothing but professionalism, kindness and poise from the very start of this process. You were a life-saver on our wedding day and I will be forever grateful. You truly went above and beyond my expectations of our photographer. I know that all our family and friends that dealt with you felt the same way. We have had so many people comment on how great you were at our wedding and now we have incredible pictures that speak for themselves. My sister and maid of honour both were angry that had already put deposits down with other photographers for their 2009 weddings. Booking you was hands down the best decision in the entire wedding planning process. I can't imagine it working out any other way.
Not that you need any help get business, but we will be highly recommending you to anyone looking for a photographer. I sincerely hope we can continue this relationship and have you take photos in the future (no baby photos any time soon, but eventually :)
I look forward to receiving the disc in the mail, although I think we were both slightly disappointed that we didn't get to come out and see you again - haha.
Thank you hardly seems like enough!             Meghan & Chad - August 16, 2008

